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Suction 7E D

Category: Medical Equipment
Place of Origin: Bangkok
Brand: MRS - Health Care
Mrs.Heath Care
Phone:   +66 95-654-2939, +66 2-905-1155
Suction 7E D

Suction 7E D

7E-D model suction machine 1. Durable and easy to clean . 2 size 280 x 196 x 285 mm, weight 6.5 kg . 3 Bottles 1000 ml liquid technical one . Pump vacuum. work with the piston. Easy to maintain. Unattended lubricant. And a system to prevent bacterial contamination . 2 overflow protection of liquids . Into the pump . 3 3 system is using AC power , the battery and power the vehicle . 4 suction peak than 0.075 MPa. 5. Suction can be adjusted during operation by 0.02 MPa.

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Level 2 Saller
Address: 397 Lat Pla Khao Rd., Chorakhe Bua, Lat Phrao, Bangkok 10230 Thailand
Phone:   +66 95-654-2939, +66 2-905-1155
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